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What are Draft Chapters?
Updated on: Sep 07, 2016
Draft chapters are chapters that you are working on but not yet finished. By default a draft chapter will not be included when your manual is exported. This can be useful if you have some content that you are working on that is not ready for distribution yet.
What is Lesson Status?
Updated on: Sep 07, 2016
You can use the Lesson Status settings to track the progress of your lessons.
How do I Search for Text in a Lesson?
Updated on: Sep 07, 2016
How do I Check Spelling?
Updated on: Sep 07, 2016
How do I Change the Layering of Annotations?
Updated on: Sep 07, 2016
Occasionally you may want to change the "stacking" of your annotations. This lesson will show you how to do that.
Changing the Text Encoding of Output
All templates encode text as UTF-8 by default. If you are integrating output into a website or system that requires ISO-8859-1 encoding then you will need to change the text encoding property of the template.
Setting the Maximum Height/Width for Step Images
HTML templates allow you to limit the maximum height and width that an image can have when you export. This can be useful if you need your images to fit within certain dimensions to display properly on a web page.
How do I Upload a Lesson Directly to a Manual?
You can add a single lesson directly to a manual when you first upload it to ScreenSteps Live.
Note: If you want to move a lesson into a manual that has already been uploaded to ScreenSteps Live then follow these instructions.
How do I Download a Lesson to My ScreenSteps Library From ScreenSteps Live?
All editing of lesson content is done in the ScreenSteps Desktop software.
If the lesson is already in your lesson library then you can just re-upload it. If it is not then follow the directions below to download the lesson into your library.
How do I Update a Lesson on ScreenSteps Desktop From ScreenSteps Live?