Adding a SQL Server User
Now that you have created the screensteps_workgroup database you need to create a user account that can be used to log into the database from the ScreenSteps Desktop client.
Locate Logins

Expand the Security > Logins folder to show a list of users.
Create New Login

Right-click on the Logins folder and select New Login... from the contextual menu.
Configure General Properties

In the dialog that appears do the following:
1) Set the login name. This example uses odbc_user but you could also choose something like screensteps_user.
2) Set a password using SQL Server authentication.
3) Turn off Enforce password expiration
4) Set the default database to screensteps_workgroup.
Configure Server Roles

Now switch to Server Roles (1). Make sure public and sysadmin are checked (2).
The Result

The new user account will appear in the Security > Logins folder.
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