Connect to Your Workgroup Library
This lesson will show you how authors can connect to a ScreenSteps Workgroup library.
To complete this part of the process you will need to have already done the following:
- Exported a connection file from the ScreenSteps Workgroup Administrator application
- Installed ScreenSteps Desktop for your authors. If you have already been using a non-Workgroup version of ScreenSteps then you don't need to re-download it. If you need to download ScreenSteps Desktop clients then you can get the installers here: Download ScreenSteps Desktop
Open the Library

From the File menu, select Open Workgroup Library...
Select File

A dialog will appear that looks like this. In order to connect you must select a connection file. The connection file contains the information necessary to connect to the database.
Click on the Select File button.
Choose Connection File

Enter Credentials

If the connection file was exported with the author's credentials then the Login and Password fields will be filled in automatically. If not, then fill the fields in and click Connect.
The Result

You will now be connected to the workgroup library.
Note: If you have permission to access more than one Workgroup Library then you will be given the option of choosing which Library you would like to open.
Reopening Library

If you need to open the library again later you can do so from the File > Open Recent menu. The name of the library appears in the menu. Just select it to reopen the library.
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