ScreenSteps Desktop licensing
The ScreenSteps Desktop 2.x license is a per/user license. A single user can use the license on multiple systems, including a laptop and desktop computer. But they can not share a single license with other users.
The ScreenSteps Desktop 2.x license is a perpetual license. No renewal or maintenance fees are required. All 1.x upgrades are free of charge. Major upgrades, for example from 1.x to 2.0 would be paid.
There will not be a ScreenSteps Desktop version 3. ScreenSteps version 3 is only available in the online version of ScreenSteps here:
Users of ScreenSteps Desktop 2.9 who do not want to subscribe to an online service will be offered a discounted upgrade price to Clarify 2 when it is released.
We do not yet have a release date for Clarify 2.
Site licenses
Site licenses for ScreenSteps Desktop are available starting at 30 seats. Please contact us for site license pricing at
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