Embedding Video From Screencast.com
This lesson will show you how to embed content from Screencast.com into a ScreenSteps step.
Locate Your Screencast.com Account

Log into your Screencast.com account and locate the screencast you would like to embed and click on it to view it's details. I'm going to embed the Drag Reorder screencast.
Click Share Button

Click on the Show Details button in order to retrieve the embed code for the screencast.
Copy Embed Code

Select and copy the Embed Code to the clipboard.
Add Embed Code To Step

Now that the embed code is on the clipboard you need to attach it to a step. Right-click on a step in ScreenSteps and select Set Video Embed Code...
Paste In Embed Code

Paste in the embed code into the HTML For Video (1) field and click OK (2).

When you export your lesson to HTML, a blog or ScreenSteps Live it will appear in place of a step image.
Dirk Frazier
Great post - thank you ScreeSteps! I should mention that there's a shortcut to getting your content's embed code. When you hover over the content thumbnail, a series of icons show up that you can click - namely the Share icon (trident looking thingy) - which when you click will display the share options for that piece of content, including the embed code. no need to load the content in the view page and click the details button just to get to the embed code on the Share tab. Hope that helps and as always, Happy Screencasting!
Dirk Frazier
Product Manager - Screencast.com
Trevor DeVore
Thanks Dirk! I've updated the lesson to use your tip.
Dirk, any way to autoplay videos that we embed into our webpages? I know we can do it w/ YouTube videos by simply adding "autoplay=1". I've tried that with my screencast.com video and can't get it to work.
Any suggestions?
Dirk Frazier
Tom - Hi there! Yes, there is a way to add the "autoplay" option to Flash based Screencast.com embed code...only we call it "autostart" and the value has to be set to "true". Include the quotes around the string when you set the value, and make sure you add it to both the and the sections (which means there are four distinct references that need to be added to the existing code). Here's an example: http://screencast.com/t/UuFQDxKV Hope this helps.
SC Deb
Thank you thank you thank you.
is there a way to constrain the size to fit within the optimum space for ScreenSteps? Thanks.
Blue Mango
@Hans: I haven't tried this but you could probably manually change all instances of "width" and "height" within the embed code to smaller values. Just make sure that you maintain the same width to height ratio.