Sharing ScreenSteps Lessons with Other Users of ScreenSteps
This lesson will show you how to export a ScreenSteps lesson as a package. The package can then be imported into another ScreenSteps library for further editing. This is a how you can send lessons between yourself and another user of ScreenSteps.
Select Lesson

Select the lesson you want to export.
You can shift click (Windows or Mac) to select multiple contiguous lessons.
You can cmd-click on Mac to select multiple non contiguous lessons.
Export a Package

From the Export menu, select Package.
Select File > Export Lesson as Package

Alternatively you can use the File menu. After selecting Package, choose a place to save it on your hard drive and give it a name. Once it is saved you can email it to a colleague.
Import a Package

If you receive a package just select File > Import. \ Choose the package file from your hard drive. It will be imported into your library.
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