How do I Upload a Manual to ScreenSteps Live from ScreenSteps Desktop?

Select Your Manual

Select Your Manual

Select Export > ScreenSteps Live

Select Export > ScreenSteps Live

Configure Options

Configure Options

Configure your options for the upload.

1. Most of the time you will select Create new manual or Update existing manual if you have previously uploaded the manual.

2. In the PDF section you can choose which PDF template you would like to use and whether you would like to upload PDFs for each individual lesson, the entire manual, or both.

3. Here you can toggle comments, upload packages, and filter manual lessons by status.

Once you have configured your settings, select Upload.

4. You may want to publish the manual directly to a space. Check this box before uploading if you would like to do that. NOTE: If you are an editor or author user you will have to attach your manual to a space.

5. You can also add a permalink for the manual when you create it.


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