What Happens if Multiple People Edit the Same Lesson?
This lesson will give you an idea of how manual syncing works with ScreenSteps 2.9. It is important to understand that ScreenSteps Live currently syncs lessons as a whole. It will not merge changes to individual steps in a lesson. Think of it as syncing the table of contents in the manual and not the individual contents of a lesson or tutorial.
If you are using ScreenSteps 3, this article does not apply to you.
Lesson is Posted
In this example we have two users, Person A and Person B. Person A posts a lesson in a manual to ScreenSteps.
Person B Downloads Lesson
Person B then downloads the package file for the lesson to their desktop software.
All Lessons are the same
At this point the lesson content is exactly the same between ScreenSteps, Person A and Person B.
Person A Makes Changes and Uploads
Now Person A updates the lesson and posts the changes to ScreenSteps.
Lessons Out of Sync
We now have an issue where the lessons are out of sync. Person B's local copy of the lesson does not match what is on ScreenSteps.
We Recommend Person B Sync Down
We recommend that when working on lessons that are being synced to a ScreenSteps account that you perform a downward sync before you begin. This will ensure that you are always using the latest content. See this lesson to learn how to do a downward sync.
What Happens if Person B Tries to Overwrite?
If Person B does not sync before updating the lesson their local copy will overwrite the lesson on the ScreenSteps site once they try to post.
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